I'm Irsyad Ramthan!
I'm Irsyad Ramthan!

I'm Irsyad Ramthan!

I am a product manager by profession, and a former full-time founder.

Currently driving for inclusivity in the digital economy through hatch.sg as their Head of Growth

Wrapped up my role driving much needed climate financing to smallholder farmers full-time in agrig8.com.

Generally extremely passionate (read: concerned) about addressing climate issues, but am generally drawn to solving hard challenges related to healthcare, inequality, or the public good. Or a combination.

Personally upskilling in backend engineering (Python, NodeJS, Go) on boot.dev, and hacking together with duct tape building vouchforme.online solo (Stack: ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, AWS EC2).

You can find me on:


Please introduce yourself when connecting!

Substack (WIP)

I write (to clarify my thought) about impact.


My musical exploits


Drop me an email!

Why I do what I do

Site built on Super and Notion. It used to be built on Fruition, but it broke. Oh well.